Monday, October 26, 2009

By the way, Ben had his 3 month check up last Thursday the 22nd. It was Mike and I's 4th wedding anniversary and we just smiled at each other thinking about how wonderful it is to see how our falling in love has led to this little person being created and entrusted to us by God. What an anniversary gift! Ben weighed in at 15 lbs. 13 oz. (88%) and measured 26.5 inches (98%) Suffice it to say, the kid is eating good in the neighborhood and makes me feel like the best Mom ever to watch him put on weight and grow like a weed - it's just amazing that my body is making the food that is making this happen. I am so grateful that breastfeeding has been such a positive experience for both Ben and me.

1 comment:

  1. Just one word...Adorable. Oh and by the way, Will is 26.5 inches at 5 months and about 16.5 lbs. Ben is going to pass him up soon!!
