Monday, October 26, 2009

Well hell, I can't figure out how to make this picture turn right side up...again, working on the whole technology side of things. . . At any rate, I wanted to post this for several reasons.

1) Ben is sitting up in his Bumbo chair. He always looks at me like "Hey Mom, don't you know I'm not old enough to sit up yet?!?!?" and I just look at him and say "But you're doing it right now silly!"

2) Ben is wearing his pumpkin hat, which Ann Walker MADE for him and I have put on his head EVERY single day since we have received it...I am a sucker for all things fall and this hat on my child may be the cutest thing ever.

3) The blanket that I draped over the Bumbo is from Janie & Jack - an adorable, but overpriced store that I indulged in last fall when I had found out Mike and I were expecting. I bought this blanket because I loved the weight of it - heavy enough for fall walks, a small, white quilted pattern on one side and then little fall leaves and acorns and the words "Little Acorn" on the other side. I can remember picking up that blanket and wondering whether our little acorn would be a boy or a girl, what it would be like and then just today - taking Ben for a walk in our neighborhood with that blanket and him being 3 months old and just loving every minute of being his mother. How lucky am I to have this job?!?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love all those moments of before and after in motherhood, too. "hmmm, I wonder what Madelyn will look like when she's 2 and 3?", remembering getting clothes for Jake before he was born and wondering if he would be a boy or girl, now I'm pulling out Madelyn's hand-me-downs and remembering her in them as I dress Layla in them. That pumpkin hat is awfully adorable. :)
