Sunday, November 22, 2009

Catching up...Happy Halloween!

So I realize that I am a big slacker for almost making it to Thanksgiving without any pictures up from Halloween. There was a lot going on that weekend and I am sad to say - this night seemed like it was over so fast. Then again, we did only trick or treat at five houses, so it went by fast. The weather was cold and wet, but Fiona and Ben had a blast together and I was very grateful for those memories. Also, I thought it was adorable that Fiona asked for "two please" because she wanted Ben to have a piece of candy as well - such a sweet cousin! Ben was a caterpillar and was a pretty good sport about the whole costume thing especially since it was keeping him so warm. He was adorable of course and had lots of fun being held by Daddy. . . here are some of the better shots.

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