Sunday, November 22, 2009

Four months old -really ?!?!?

Ever since Ben was born, people have told us "They are only little for so long...They grow up so fast, etc." and while I know that they were being serious, it has still completely surprised Mike and I that Ben is already over four months old. . . I keep hoping he will somehow stay small, stay this way and the growing will taper off and it won't seem as though he is literally growing by the day. As for now, he is wearing 9 month and 12 month sized clothing and he is in the 98% for height. We have his four month check up on Tuesday, so I am anxious to get the official height and weight. Aunt Elisabeth's scale said 17 pounds last Wednesday...we shall see. In the meantime, here is a recent picture that Mike snapped - isn't he precious?

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